Thursday, July 1, 2010

Who's in Charge Here

Watching the news is getting more depressing than ever. Our country is racing down hill toward a cliff and when we go over it will be a very hard fall. Last week Obama met with the Russian President, Dmitry Medvedev, and they agreed to expand cooperation on intelligence and to strength economic ties. The Russians are in worse shape than us. So i guess this means we tell them our secrets and give them money. When asked about our involvement in Afghanistan the Russian replied "Your screwed". Now Obama is about to talk to us about immigration reform. This should be good, He already says He doesn't like the new Arizona law and wants to give the illegals a chance at amnesty.Did you know that other boarder States are looking to enact their own laws similar to Arizona's. The federal government isn't paying attention to the people. they have done nothing about illegals. Now Nancy Pelousie wants a law that taxes your gains in the stock market again, including your retirement accounts at the modest rate of 55% and proposes to give that money to the poor illegals. According to Websters the definition of a republic is, " a government in which SUPREME POWER resides in a body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by elected officers and representatives responsible to them and governing according to law". Dose that sound like what is happening in Washington to you ? No me neither. We must make wholesale changes. That means voting those people who don't listen out of office.Our representatives are not being responsible and in some cases not acting according to law. We need to take our country back before we go over that cliff. I said this before but it bears repeating. " A people should not fear their government, a government should fear its people".

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