Thursday, December 23, 2010


Oil this morning is $91.00 a barrel.Highest its been in years. Do you wonder why ? I did, so i researched a little. Before i tell you what i found let me say that i take notice of this for 2 reasons, 1) gas up here is over $3.00 a gallon and home heating fuel is almost $3.00 a gallon. Both are ridiculous. So here's what i found. First the US government says that our crude supplies have shrunk by 4 million barrels. OK, supply and demand, but wait if you dig a little deeper you find out that our gasoline supply has GROWN by more than 2 million barrels. I also found that oil industry analysts say that some of the shortage appears to be due to year end inventory adjustments rather than higher demand or shortage of supplies. In fact our current crude oil supplies are 10% higher than the 2004 - 2008 time period. So apparently it's not basic economics, ie. supply and demand, therefore it must be something else. I found that the energy markets consultants are saying, "prices are rising because investors are optimistic about the economy" and it is "highly connected to the direction of the equities markets and confidence in a global recovery" . WTF. Equities market is consultant smoke. there are basically 2 markets, debt which is bonds and equities which are STOCKS. Sooooo it would appear someone is pushing the stock market. OK so lets all jump on that band wagon. This morning Exxon Mobil is trading for $73 and change, so lets see, i can put about $1100.00 on that band wagon, great, now if the stock goes up $1.00, which by the way is alot , how much will i make? Not enough to pay the transaction fee for the trades. It works out to about $15.00 profit. Surprise, once again big money is manipulating the markets to get richer and we pay for it at the pump. America, please take your head out of your ass. Its time to do something. Write your congressman, drive less, protest the oil companies, protest the government, something.. Hows this Iraq owes us billions of dollars. What if we MAKE then repay us in reasonably priced oil. Say $40.00 a barrel. It cost them $4.00 a barrel to get it out of the ground. Seems fair to me. Think about this. Current gas prices at the pump, Saudi Arabia .91, Kuwait .78 , Egypt .65 , Nigeria .38, Venezuela .12 You see anywhere on that list our Men haven't bled in their sand ? This is also quite disturbing. I saw today that its being reported that Iraqi Muslims are massacring Iraqi Christians. 68 Iraqi catholics where murdered during a mass simply because they where christian. Apparently Christians all over Iraq are being persecuted for their faith. They are not even allowed to celebrate Christmas. So much for " operation Iraqi Freedom ". My friends, once again i must ask you to please take your head out of your ass. This is a holy war. The enemy believes that as Christians we are the devil and must be eliminated. Well i'm goin upstairs to dust off my cowboy hat, remember "cowboys and muslims".

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

History, stupidty and other lessons

Well the Senate, still under Democratic control, yesterday passed a bill extending all the so called " Bush era " tax cuts. Good news. It is interesting though that the Dems. are calling for bipartisan action on a bill they have opposed for 10 years, also passed in that bill is a continuation of the estate tax breaks and with higher limits. They also tossed in an extension of the unemployment benefits, thank you, Perhaps the mid term elections opened some minds to the peoples desires.Hopefully it will now pass the house intact. This is actually a simple thing. Lower taxes means more money in our pockets which for the vast majority of people means more money spent and positive economic reactions. Estate taxes should be totally outlawed as it is a tax on money that has already been taxed. One of the reasons our forefathers broke away from merry old England was for taxes on taxes... I also agree with the extension of unemployment benefits as jobs are still scarce and those benefits help keep people afloat and that money dose go right back into the economy. In mid-October we passed a mile stone that i believe has gone fairly unnoticed. We have now been fighting in Afghanistan for 10 years. If you recall the soviets were only there for 9 years. Is it fair to mention Viet Nam, republic of..... Depending on whom you believe the US government spent between $3 and $40 billion to arm the Mujahideem freedom fighters against the soviets.. ANYONE CARE TO GUESS WHO WE ARE FIGHTING..............Apparently the only thing we learn from history is that we don't learn anything from history.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

i'm back

Well all of you who have e-mailed and face booked me are correct. I wont list the excuses but I'm back. I will be unable to post again till mid Oct. as i have a work project that will be taking all my time starting next Tuesday. While i wasn't writing i was researching a number of topics suggested to me by friends and interested parties and even attempted to write about a couple of them. What i discovered was that i really didn't give a shit and couldn't put a series of intelligent sentences together. Therefore if you have a topic than you write about it, because unless it hits my hot button you wont see it here. Someone posted a comment on my last blog, thank you. It was intelligent, appropriate, and most importantly it was their opinion. I don't care if you agree with me or not. I appreciate your comments. After all this is America the land of freedom. I have never been accused of being politically correct so I'm just gonna dive in on this next one. I'm sure you all heard of the pastor from Florida who was going to burn a Koran in protest, He didn't. However the local police in his town have sent him a bill for "protection" in the amount of $200,000.00. WTF, I really don't care if you feel that pastors proposed actions were appropriate or not, He has a right to express himself. First of all, the pastor has the right to act, secondly the police have the responsibility to protect citizens from harm or perceived harm. I'm confused, I've heard of police payoffs and I've heard of paying protection money, but I've never heard of publicly paying the police protection money. Besides the pastor got a bum deal, I know some guys from the old neighborhood who would have been alot cheaper and if needed I'm positive would have done a better job. Now while all that discussion was going on, about whether to burn or not to burn, the radicals in the middle east were protesting with riots, burning our Flag, and actually murdering some people. Its probably just me but I"ve never been able to play nice with assholes. So let me tell you a story. Three strangers come together in the Bozeman Montana airport, all waiting for their prospective flights. A Native American passing through from Lame Deer, a cowboy on his way to Billings for a livestock show and a fundamentalist Arab student newly arrived at Montana State . The discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon the two westerners learn the Arab is a radical Muslim fundamentalist and the conversation falls to an uneasy lull.
The Native American begins starring out at the mountains. The cowboy sits down, crosses his boots on a table, lights a cigarette, and pulls the brim of the big stetson down over his eyes. The Arab student begins reading. The Native American breaks the silence and softly says, "once we where many here..but now we are few". The Muslim student raises an eyebrow, leans forward and sneers, "once we where few but now we are many. Why do you think that is? ". The cowboy removes the cigarette from his mouth and from the darkness beneath his Stetson in a smooth drawl says," I reckon that's because we ain't played cowboys and muslims yet. But its com'in ".I'm old and tired, but particularly tired of the bullshit. It's time to saddle up.

Monday, August 16, 2010

over the edge

I saw this, like everyone else, the other day however i had to calm down a little prior to writing about it. This is too much. The president has stepped over the line. His endorsement of a Mosque on the 9/11 sight is insulting. His premise that this has something to do with freedom of religion is ridiculous. I really hope that He simply doesn't get it. I'd hate to think that it's just another step in His agenda. This endorsement is about as crude and insulting as suggesting that we replace the Rose Garden with a watermelon patch. Lest we forget, this is the sight wear over 3000 people were killed in a sneak terrorist attack by low life's who themselves proclaimed it a "holy war". An attack carried out by religious fanatics who happen to be affiliated with the Muslin Faith. A Mosque at that sight would forever be a unwanted link between a legitimate religion and terrorist fanatics.

This President seems to think that He can say anything and the American public will simply go along like a bunch of mindless sheep. Well, Mr. President your wrong. Over the past two years you have gotten our attention and we are listening. You should do the same. The Amendment which deals with freedom of religion states that the government shall not be involved in the establishment of a religion. Your endorsement certainly seems as thou you need to study the Constitution. You remember that.. government by the people and for the people, not by and for the politicians, not for personal agendas and not for what someone might think is best for the "sheep" but for what the people want. The people don't want a Mosque at the site of the most dreadful attack on American soil in the history of our country. It wont help anyone heal.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

why would you care

Hi guys, I'm back... The stuff that makes the news these days is interesting. Were in the middle of a recession and the headlines are a bunch of crap no one cares about.. Or maybe it's just me. So here's some big time news.. The most played artist of the last decade, of any genre, is..... Tim McGraw..Now i know I'm an old hippie rocker but i cant tell you one of Tim's songs..and hes had more air time than any other artist over the last ten I'm really glad to know that.. Shaq signs with the Celtics.. so.. another over the hill millionaire athlete will continue to embarrass himself. Go sit around with Brett Farve,,, Harley might leave Milwaukee.. Now that's sad.. after all there known as "Milwaukee Iron" If your gonna spend $36,000.00 on a bike do you really care where its built??? Now for the important stuff. We stayed at some dear friends camp last week, a lovely place on a lake here in the UP. Great time and good friends. anyway I promised them my recipe for dry rub so here it is. I dont usually share this stuff but consider this a bonus to my half dozen loyal readers.

ok... 1/2 cup black pepper.. 1/2 cup season salt.. 1 1/4 cup white sugar... 1/4 cup brown sugar.. 1 tablespoon salt... 1 tablespoon dry mustard.. 3/4 tablespoon chili powder.. and 1/2 tablespoon Cayenne pepper... mix and store for use..

when its time to use it you simply rub liberally into your meat, wrap tightly, and refrigerate for 3 or 4 hours... than cook on the grill.. if you use bar b que sauce apply the last 5 mins. or so.. You will enjoy this with or without barbque sauce.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Illegals and immorals

It's gonna get interesting. Arizona's immigration law is now on hold. A federal judge has ruled that at least parts of the law are unconstitutional. I believe that both parties are correct to a degree. The Feds are saying that under a constitutional term known as Pre-emption they have the right to handle immigration on a federal level. The feds say that individual state laws will lead to a patchwork system and disrupt a carefully balanced approach to immigration. On the surface of this argument they are correct. I will refrain from commenting on their "carefully balanced system" at this point. Arizona, on the other hand , has over 400,000 undocumented residents and a huge problem with drugs coming into our country through their boarder. They contend that the federal program isn't working.. You get to decide on your opinion. Here's mine. Lets say someone or a number of someones where threatening my home and or family. The people who are suppose to protect us are the local police and I'm sure they do a very good job. Bottom line is by the time the police got here all that would be left to do is zip the baggies shut. Sometimes the need out ways the politics...

The House Ethics Committee (oxymoron) accused N.Y. Rep. Charles Rangel of 13 violations of congressional ethics standards. Appears that the big one is neglecting to report rental income from his Dominican Republic villa for the last 8 years . The number I heard was in excess of $ 600,000.00. This guy has been in congress for 40 years. That's right 40 years and only 13 charges, WTF. If it were you or I the IRS would have us in jail by now. Oh I forgot to tell you Rangel stepped down in march from the House Ways and Means Chairmanship due to an "unrelated" ethics case.. Maybe He should retire.

Locally we have four guys running on the republican side for the open House of Representative seat. I like Tom Stillings. He is pro-life, pro-gun, pro-business,pro-America, and wants to bring all our troopers home. I agree with all of that and since its my blog I get to express it. If you care to comment please feel free. I believe I made it easier to leave a comment.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I Think Thear ly'in to us

So everything i hear from our President seems to indicate he wants us to believe that thee economy is improving. I don't know about you but i don't think so. The Federal government is spending our money at an alarming rate. They are adding $ 1 Trillion to the deficit every 9 months. Its our money, we have to pay it back, sorry my share will be late this month, I'm broke. A trillion is a really big number and hard for me to get my head around. This might help. If a 65 year old man spent a trillion dollars on an annuity he would receive $ 6.3 BILLION every MONTH for the rest of his life...The above stats came from Kiplinger. The National League of Cities just released a study which indicates that local governments across the country will fire approximately 500,000 people in the coming 12 months and this will include police and fire.. I guess they agree with me.... the economy sucks....

OK on the lighter side here's some more new statistics...

Doctors.... the number of doctors in the United States is approximately 700,000...
............accidental deaths per year by doctors is 120,000
............that gives us a rate per doctor of 0.171
statistics courtesy of US dept of Health and Human Services.
Now consider this.
.............. The number of gun owners in the United States is 80 million ...
.............. The number of accidental deaths per year , all ages is 1500...
.............. Than the number of accidental deaths per gun owner is .000188
statistics courtesy of the FBI
So statistically speaking doctors are approximately 9000 times more dangerous than gun owners. Remember guns don't kill people doctors do.
Fact. Not everyone has a gun but almost everyone has at least one doctor. This means you are over 900 times more likely to be killed by a doctor than a gun owner. Please alert your friends to thus alarming threat. We must ban doctors before this gets completely out of hand. Out of concern for the general public i withheld the statistics on lawyers for fear the shock would cause people to panic and seek medical attention........don't panic, buy ammo