Thursday, December 23, 2010


Oil this morning is $91.00 a barrel.Highest its been in years. Do you wonder why ? I did, so i researched a little. Before i tell you what i found let me say that i take notice of this for 2 reasons, 1) gas up here is over $3.00 a gallon and home heating fuel is almost $3.00 a gallon. Both are ridiculous. So here's what i found. First the US government says that our crude supplies have shrunk by 4 million barrels. OK, supply and demand, but wait if you dig a little deeper you find out that our gasoline supply has GROWN by more than 2 million barrels. I also found that oil industry analysts say that some of the shortage appears to be due to year end inventory adjustments rather than higher demand or shortage of supplies. In fact our current crude oil supplies are 10% higher than the 2004 - 2008 time period. So apparently it's not basic economics, ie. supply and demand, therefore it must be something else. I found that the energy markets consultants are saying, "prices are rising because investors are optimistic about the economy" and it is "highly connected to the direction of the equities markets and confidence in a global recovery" . WTF. Equities market is consultant smoke. there are basically 2 markets, debt which is bonds and equities which are STOCKS. Sooooo it would appear someone is pushing the stock market. OK so lets all jump on that band wagon. This morning Exxon Mobil is trading for $73 and change, so lets see, i can put about $1100.00 on that band wagon, great, now if the stock goes up $1.00, which by the way is alot , how much will i make? Not enough to pay the transaction fee for the trades. It works out to about $15.00 profit. Surprise, once again big money is manipulating the markets to get richer and we pay for it at the pump. America, please take your head out of your ass. Its time to do something. Write your congressman, drive less, protest the oil companies, protest the government, something.. Hows this Iraq owes us billions of dollars. What if we MAKE then repay us in reasonably priced oil. Say $40.00 a barrel. It cost them $4.00 a barrel to get it out of the ground. Seems fair to me. Think about this. Current gas prices at the pump, Saudi Arabia .91, Kuwait .78 , Egypt .65 , Nigeria .38, Venezuela .12 You see anywhere on that list our Men haven't bled in their sand ? This is also quite disturbing. I saw today that its being reported that Iraqi Muslims are massacring Iraqi Christians. 68 Iraqi catholics where murdered during a mass simply because they where christian. Apparently Christians all over Iraq are being persecuted for their faith. They are not even allowed to celebrate Christmas. So much for " operation Iraqi Freedom ". My friends, once again i must ask you to please take your head out of your ass. This is a holy war. The enemy believes that as Christians we are the devil and must be eliminated. Well i'm goin upstairs to dust off my cowboy hat, remember "cowboys and muslims".

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