Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Not Lazy, Relaxing at Camp Bubba

Yeah I know it's been awhile. We were at Camp Bubba for about a week and part of the beauty is no Internet. I wasn't going to come back yet but we ran out of beer. What a catastrophe. So here we go. Our President was overseas instead of home attempting to fix our economy and while in Europe APOLOGIZED for Americans being arrogant. WTF. Are you aware that there are over 104,000 American troops BURIED IN Europe from the two world wars. I guess saving their collective asses is arrogant. I wonder how many French, Dutch, English, or other Europeans or Middle Eastern are buried here who died defending this country. I don't know but I'm betting it's a pretty small number. Come on Mr President , please remove your head from your ass and get busy here at home. According to the latest Washington Post poll 60% of Americans say they "lack faith " in Obama. I'm shocked. In other news FICO reports that 30% of all consumers have credit scores that make them a poor risk. This means it's unlikely they can get a loan for a major purchase, like a car or house. This is a worm hole. When people cant borrow it dramatically impacts our economy in a negative fashion. A poor credit score = less credit = less production = less jobs= poorer credit scores. Fico also stated that the amount of people with poor scores will continue to rise. Of course the credit score people want you to spend some of your credit card balance on purchasing their service to find out what your score is. Did you know that every time your score is accessed it has a negative effect on your rating. So like i said it's a worm hole.People no longer lend to people computers do. Computers adjust your score and your score determines your lend ability. Just one more major problem with our economy. Ronald Regan said " Freedom is never more that one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the blood stream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was like in the United States when men where free. " Are you ready to fight for freedom ? There are elections in November, we need to toss All of them out. Be A Boy Scout be PREPARED.

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