Tuesday, July 20, 2010


The title of today's blog is multi-purposed. One because there is a variety of topics and two for my buddy Francis back in the commonwealth. SUP Francis. Michael Jordan says he wouldn't of done the deal Labron made even if Larry and Magic where amiable to the package. Jordan says He preferred playing against the best as opposed to with them. I guess six rings determines who has the bigger set. I wanna be like Mike.... My old buddy Wild Bill Clinton has made a "bucket list", who cares.... Do you remember Alvin Greene? I posted about Him a couple of months ago. He is the guy from South Carolina who won the Democratic nomination for senate over an incumbent. Well Alvin made his first campaign speech the other day. It lasted 6 & 1/2 min. in front of about 400 people. The press reports that he was well received and spoke well. I love this.. Go Alvin Go......The Chinese are having an oil crisis, not the fuel oil type but the cooking oil type. It seems the street people are collecting the old cooking oil and garbage in it and recycling it. They filter it to feed the solids to the pigs and resell the oil to the restaurants. Lots of sightings of people on bicycles grabbing oil at the back door, cat sightings ,however, are still down....

The Tea Party seems to be in the news more and more. There current stated purpose is to generate interest in the mid term elections. I agree, the primary;s this summer and the elections this fall could be among the most important in our countries history. Our elected officials do not seem to be listening to the people, which is their main function. Its time to send a message by changing over as many incumbents as possible. Its time for WE the People to run our country. The government is running our country into the ground. The economy is a disaster, the trade deficit is completely upside down, and the national debt is out of control. If we do not recover our government with these elections i fear the next agenda will be extremely difficult on everyone.

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