Wednesday, June 16, 2010


My son, the 30 something, who lives in the urban sprawl that makes up the Chicago metro and who daily labors for the establishment, facebooked me. He commented on the old man's writings. It was a simple comment, " cracker ". My response, " You inspire me " . So lets get "crack en " . Yesterdays local paper had an article concerning a police raid. It seems that elements of the Esky public safety, county sheriff, and state police including K9, the states helicopter,and swat team raided a local motorcycle club. 30 minutes after assaulting the house with flash-bangs, dogs, and the body armored swat team it was determined that NOBODY WAS HOME. I wonder what that cost ? Well with this type of police presence i know I'll sleep better knowing that anarchy will not roam the streets of Escanaba in the moonlight. Could it be that their informant was also helping George W with the WMD's in the gulf ? How about Gen. David Petraeus, commander of the U S Central Command, fainting under " intense questioning " by the senate armed services committee. This is the guy who runs the Gulf war. They reported that the collapse came just as Sen. John McCain was wrapping up a round of "pointed questions" . McCain hasn't asked a pointed question since he asked Cindy to marry him. Sen. Carl Levin was quoted as saying "he probably just didn't drink enough water before the hearing ". Water ? Really Carl. Good thing the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Special Ops all have their own commands. Keep on kick'in ass boys. So did you see the President last night. He sure was tough on that oil company. I might just run over to Menards today to order my solar panels. Obama has formed ,by my count, at least 4 new committees to investigate this disaster, I'm sure that will fix it. They can talk about what to do while the Gulf Coast rots away. Obama did shut down all the other oil wells in the gulf while they talk about it,which seems like a good idea. By the way, did you know that Obama lent $2 billion to Brazil last year. Yeah its for off shore oil exploration. It went to Petrobras, which is the Brazilian state oil company. Hers a coincidence, George Soros, the Presidents buddy has $900 million invested in that same oil company, that's the largest single investment in Soros's portfolio. Well i suppose someone should make a buck or maybe a billion or 2 off the biggest environmental disaster in the history of this country. WTF... Keep pounding your chest Mr. President ,your ratings might go up. Tomorrow, something else i know almost nothing about the World Cup. See ya

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