Thursday, June 24, 2010

Deja Vu all over again

Well I guess Yogi Berra had it right, cause here we go again. Yesterday Pres. Obama fired Gen. McChrystal and replaced him with Gen. Petraeus. In case you missed my blog from last week this is the guy who fainted under " pointed questions " from Sen. McClain in some senate hearings. He also came up with a strategy known as COIN when he was outcast to fort Leavenworth in the early 2000's. This is the counter insurgency strategy which was successful in Irag. W put him in charge when things weren't going well and he was successful. It wont work in Afghanistan. It;s a different set of circumstances. Their feudal system wont lend itself to social programs. If you haven't noticed we are also reviving the problem of civilian leadership in a military situation. That is precisely where McChrystal was headed with his comments. Its the classic Who;s in charge here. In case you forgot the Russians languished in Afganistan for at least nine years as did the French in the People's Republic of. Now we have the wrong guy,with the wrong strategy,in the wrong place, led by a politician who is clueless. Beginning to sound like 1970 all over again. Deja Vu

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