Tuesday, June 15, 2010

In the begining

Welcome to " The Guy From Esky " . Here you will find my perspective on life, liberty and the pursuit of happieness. It will be my reality and therfore my truth. It is my hope that i make you think, laugh, and react. If i piss you off then i have achieved a goal, you are reacting, your alive, your thinking. A few years ago my saintly mother departed this world at the age of 92. The last words she spoke were " life is too short " . That was pretty heady stuff for a guy with ink on both arms and hair on my shoulders. I,ve pondered that frequently, while sober and drunk, by the way pondering is much easier and more meaninful if your drunk, and as yet am not sure of her intent. I have however decided that life is truly too short for the amount of bullshit that we seem to be assailled with on a daily basis. I am now anti-bullshit. Now being of Irish decent and quite found of distilled potatoes and dark brew i don't mean ordinary, everyday bullshit, which i have been accused of throwing around quite liberally, i mean the serious type. The type of bullshit that comes from areas of so called authority. The were gonna tell you what to do cause your too stupid to function type of bullshit. Government, your boss, liberal pukes, you know the ones that make you stand up and say WTF..... A sort of recent film had a quote which was stolen from, i believe Thomas Jefferson, that says " A people should not fear their government a government should fear its people" . will get into that tomorrow. since i haven't had breakfast yet i believe its time for a bloodymary. By the way heres an unsolicited endorsement. "BM's Bloody Mary Mix " best I've ever had. later

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