Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pursuit of Happiness

Hey everyone, how are you ? I've been sort of busy. Yesterday was the bi-annual family reunion on my wife's dad's mother's side of her family. Did you follow that ? Me neither and I'm married to her. So its the families of her grandma's kids. These are good catholics so all the families are large. Half live here and half down in Ohio.Not sure but about 75-85 people not counting the little kids. Now for me it's a challenge because Suzie and I have been together about 3 years so this was my second reunion. I "volunteered " to cook some pulled pork, about 35 #'s worth, so i was a little busy between cooking and studying the Christmas card list so I'd know who went with who. You'll be glad to know it was a ragging success. I know this because the pork was all gone and i won the 50/50 drawing. Ilo of participating in the games i decided to drink beer with one of her relatives from Ohio and laugh at the people trying to pick up a toy car while blind folded with a magnet tied to their ass. Quite amusing. Went to one of the local taverns with some of the Ohio people and Suzie's aunt from Chicago and had a great time. I'm telling you all this by way of explaining why I've been MIA for the last few days. The wife and i are headed to Camp Bubba tonight for a couple of days, just her and i. Like i said The Pursuit of Happiness. cya Wednesday. Bubba

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Deja Vu all over again

Well I guess Yogi Berra had it right, cause here we go again. Yesterday Pres. Obama fired Gen. McChrystal and replaced him with Gen. Petraeus. In case you missed my blog from last week this is the guy who fainted under " pointed questions " from Sen. McClain in some senate hearings. He also came up with a strategy known as COIN when he was outcast to fort Leavenworth in the early 2000's. This is the counter insurgency strategy which was successful in Irag. W put him in charge when things weren't going well and he was successful. It wont work in Afghanistan. It;s a different set of circumstances. Their feudal system wont lend itself to social programs. If you haven't noticed we are also reviving the problem of civilian leadership in a military situation. That is precisely where McChrystal was headed with his comments. Its the classic Who;s in charge here. In case you forgot the Russians languished in Afganistan for at least nine years as did the French in the People's Republic of. Now we have the wrong guy,with the wrong strategy,in the wrong place, led by a politician who is clueless. Beginning to sound like 1970 all over again. Deja Vu

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I'm Back

Well it was a great weekend. Our new Granddaughter is extra special. It was great to visit with Her Mom and Dad. The birthday celebration was a good time, and Camp Bubba well it's Camp Bubba. The birthday girl has a new hobby, raising mice as lizard food. Her boyfriend has a couple of lizards which are getting large and require a more substantial diet, yep mice. She is qualified for this. As a child she had two " same sex " gerbils. Next thing i knew i had 32 of the little bastards loose in the attic. It's good she has her own place. Personally , i hope they all get out, the great escape would be poetic justice. In the news i see our commanding General in Afghanistan, Gen. McChrystal, is being called on the carpet for speaking the truth. What a shame.He said Joe Biden is a dope and that our ambassador is covering his ass. I agree with both statements. Why is it that the boss wants to hear your opinion and then cant handle it. Seems to happen all too often. If Pres. Obama fires the Gen. it will be the second Afgan commander He's let go in just over a year. Nothin like consistency. While at Camp Bubba this weekend i was reading some articles about the wolf controversy; whether or not the population should be controlled viva a limited hunting season. As you can imagine there are quite varying opinions on the subject. It reminded me of a story i heard years ago while hunting in Wyo.. It was reported to me as a true story. Anyway the ranchers in Wyo. were having a problem with wolves raiding and feeding on their sheep. A meeting was held to determine the best course of action and was attended by some specialists from Washington, including a young lady who was suppose to have the answers. After a lenghty discussion outlying the problem the young lady addressed the crowd of ranchers and described in detail her thoughts on the problem and the resolution. Her answer was to identify the wolves dens and then go back in the spring and remove the newborn wolves and neuter then. When she finished speaking it was quite in the room until a weathered old rancher stood and said " Ma'm you don't understand the problem. the wolves are eating the sheep not screw'in em ". The government just never quite understands the problem.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Who'da thunk it

Here are some items that i stumbled over and found interesting. They really were on a " Mission from God ". The Vatican, yesterday, blessed the cult movie The Blues Brothers. That's right, Jake, Elwood, and the Penguin are now on the official list of " Catholic Classics ". Some of the other movies on the list are ,The Ten Commandments, Jesus of Nazareth, Joan of Arc, and Its a Wonderful Life. I really don't see the fit but I'm delighted, Blues Brothers is one of my fav's. I have this vision of the Pope and a Cardinal sitting in a car, " it's 106 miles to Chicago, we have a full tank of gas, a half a pack of cigarettes, its dark , and were wearing sunglasses. " and the Pope says " Hit It " . Makes you wonder whats next on their list, Blazing Saddles ? Alvin Green is an unemployed black man from South Carolina. He lives with his 81 yr old father and reportedly owns neither a cell phone nor a computer. He was involuntarily discharged from the military after 13 years of service and is allegedly facing obscenity charges. However Alvins future is looking brighter than you might think. Last week Alvin won the democratic primary for the U S Senate seat with 59% of the vote. This November he might be Senator Green. Power to the people Alvin, "America what a country i coulda been somebody". On the darker side last night the state of Utah executed a convicted murder, by FIRING SQUAD. the only thing better would have been if it was carried out in downtown Salt Lake. Well that's it for now, busy weekend. Going to see our new granddaughter Khloe, then celebrating a B-day with another daughter ( who's apple didn't fall far from the tree ) then Camp Bubba.. see ya next week..Be safe,party hard, and try to keep up.........

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I Don't Get It

So it's time to address the World Cup. First let me tell you that I'm not a soccer guy. I love the NFL, i follow hockey ( Go Blackhawks ) , some basketball, even golf and an occasional NASCAR event, but soccer i don't get. Apparently this puts me in the minority, once again, of things that are popular. Frankly i don't give a shit, however i am trying. I've been following the games on ESPN and the web and even attempted to watch a game. Trying to watch a game was brutal. First if you don't get it you have to depend on the announcers to explain things. What a fricken joke, one guy was British, hard to understand, they don't speak American. The other guy was a Scotsman, wow. Have you ever heard Robin Williams talk about how golf was invented ? well that's this guy . could not understand a word. " ahhhh thouou midfifier blabla strike bla bla bla foot bla bla goallllllllllllllllllllll . WTF just happened ? The other thing that makes it hard to follow is the 5 hundred pound bumble bee that seems to be at every game. WTF, all you can here is that big son of bitch buzzing.... I have picked up on one or two things. First the rs this thing called a yellow card, apparently if you play too hard, or celebrate you get one. One guy scored a goal and took off his shirt and ran around . He got a yellow card. I guess that's not bad, the last time I removed an article of clothing and ran around I got arrested. I would have preferred a yellow card. I saw that FIFA is busting a bunch of babes in orange mini skirts. Apparently it was set up by some small dutch beer company and Budweiser (official sponsor ) was pissed. I think FIFA should get a yellow card for that one. The babes were fun to watch. The other thing I've picked up on is these fans do know how to party. it was reported that after the South African teams first game that condom sales in Johannesburg increased 5 times. Party on.... Oh yeah the S. African team lost yesterday so now they must beat the French, so who hasn't. The big upset was Spain loosing to the Swiss. I guess this was pretty embarrassing. The Spanish team did announce a line up change,apparently Francisco Franco will now be playing middle fielder for Spain. If any of you care game 7 of the NBA finals is tonight. Bye for now ,i have to go watch the US Open.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


My son, the 30 something, who lives in the urban sprawl that makes up the Chicago metro and who daily labors for the establishment, facebooked me. He commented on the old man's writings. It was a simple comment, " cracker ". My response, " You inspire me " . So lets get "crack en " . Yesterdays local paper had an article concerning a police raid. It seems that elements of the Esky public safety, county sheriff, and state police including K9, the states helicopter,and swat team raided a local motorcycle club. 30 minutes after assaulting the house with flash-bangs, dogs, and the body armored swat team it was determined that NOBODY WAS HOME. I wonder what that cost ? Well with this type of police presence i know I'll sleep better knowing that anarchy will not roam the streets of Escanaba in the moonlight. Could it be that their informant was also helping George W with the WMD's in the gulf ? How about Gen. David Petraeus, commander of the U S Central Command, fainting under " intense questioning " by the senate armed services committee. This is the guy who runs the Gulf war. They reported that the collapse came just as Sen. John McCain was wrapping up a round of "pointed questions" . McCain hasn't asked a pointed question since he asked Cindy to marry him. Sen. Carl Levin was quoted as saying "he probably just didn't drink enough water before the hearing ". Water ? Really Carl. Good thing the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Special Ops all have their own commands. Keep on kick'in ass boys. So did you see the President last night. He sure was tough on that oil company. I might just run over to Menards today to order my solar panels. Obama has formed ,by my count, at least 4 new committees to investigate this disaster, I'm sure that will fix it. They can talk about what to do while the Gulf Coast rots away. Obama did shut down all the other oil wells in the gulf while they talk about it,which seems like a good idea. By the way, did you know that Obama lent $2 billion to Brazil last year. Yeah its for off shore oil exploration. It went to Petrobras, which is the Brazilian state oil company. Hers a coincidence, George Soros, the Presidents buddy has $900 million invested in that same oil company, that's the largest single investment in Soros's portfolio. Well i suppose someone should make a buck or maybe a billion or 2 off the biggest environmental disaster in the history of this country. WTF... Keep pounding your chest Mr. President ,your ratings might go up. Tomorrow, something else i know almost nothing about the World Cup. See ya

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

In the begining

Welcome to " The Guy From Esky " . Here you will find my perspective on life, liberty and the pursuit of happieness. It will be my reality and therfore my truth. It is my hope that i make you think, laugh, and react. If i piss you off then i have achieved a goal, you are reacting, your alive, your thinking. A few years ago my saintly mother departed this world at the age of 92. The last words she spoke were " life is too short " . That was pretty heady stuff for a guy with ink on both arms and hair on my shoulders. I,ve pondered that frequently, while sober and drunk, by the way pondering is much easier and more meaninful if your drunk, and as yet am not sure of her intent. I have however decided that life is truly too short for the amount of bullshit that we seem to be assailled with on a daily basis. I am now anti-bullshit. Now being of Irish decent and quite found of distilled potatoes and dark brew i don't mean ordinary, everyday bullshit, which i have been accused of throwing around quite liberally, i mean the serious type. The type of bullshit that comes from areas of so called authority. The were gonna tell you what to do cause your too stupid to function type of bullshit. Government, your boss, liberal pukes, you know the ones that make you stand up and say WTF..... A sort of recent film had a quote which was stolen from, i believe Thomas Jefferson, that says " A people should not fear their government a government should fear its people" . will get into that tomorrow. since i haven't had breakfast yet i believe its time for a bloodymary. By the way heres an unsolicited endorsement. "BM's Bloody Mary Mix " best I've ever had. later