Thursday, September 23, 2010

i'm back

Well all of you who have e-mailed and face booked me are correct. I wont list the excuses but I'm back. I will be unable to post again till mid Oct. as i have a work project that will be taking all my time starting next Tuesday. While i wasn't writing i was researching a number of topics suggested to me by friends and interested parties and even attempted to write about a couple of them. What i discovered was that i really didn't give a shit and couldn't put a series of intelligent sentences together. Therefore if you have a topic than you write about it, because unless it hits my hot button you wont see it here. Someone posted a comment on my last blog, thank you. It was intelligent, appropriate, and most importantly it was their opinion. I don't care if you agree with me or not. I appreciate your comments. After all this is America the land of freedom. I have never been accused of being politically correct so I'm just gonna dive in on this next one. I'm sure you all heard of the pastor from Florida who was going to burn a Koran in protest, He didn't. However the local police in his town have sent him a bill for "protection" in the amount of $200,000.00. WTF, I really don't care if you feel that pastors proposed actions were appropriate or not, He has a right to express himself. First of all, the pastor has the right to act, secondly the police have the responsibility to protect citizens from harm or perceived harm. I'm confused, I've heard of police payoffs and I've heard of paying protection money, but I've never heard of publicly paying the police protection money. Besides the pastor got a bum deal, I know some guys from the old neighborhood who would have been alot cheaper and if needed I'm positive would have done a better job. Now while all that discussion was going on, about whether to burn or not to burn, the radicals in the middle east were protesting with riots, burning our Flag, and actually murdering some people. Its probably just me but I"ve never been able to play nice with assholes. So let me tell you a story. Three strangers come together in the Bozeman Montana airport, all waiting for their prospective flights. A Native American passing through from Lame Deer, a cowboy on his way to Billings for a livestock show and a fundamentalist Arab student newly arrived at Montana State . The discussion drifts to their diverse cultures. Soon the two westerners learn the Arab is a radical Muslim fundamentalist and the conversation falls to an uneasy lull.
The Native American begins starring out at the mountains. The cowboy sits down, crosses his boots on a table, lights a cigarette, and pulls the brim of the big stetson down over his eyes. The Arab student begins reading. The Native American breaks the silence and softly says, "once we where many here..but now we are few". The Muslim student raises an eyebrow, leans forward and sneers, "once we where few but now we are many. Why do you think that is? ". The cowboy removes the cigarette from his mouth and from the darkness beneath his Stetson in a smooth drawl says," I reckon that's because we ain't played cowboys and muslims yet. But its com'in ".I'm old and tired, but particularly tired of the bullshit. It's time to saddle up.